If you’re into aftermarket wheels, then you’ll want hub rings. When you put aftermarket wheels on your truck or SUV, you’ll want to reduce the stress this places on your wheels. Our Enthuze hub rings prevent vibrations and reduce the pressure on your rims, which helps them stay balanced under pressure.
These ABS plastic bands are also known as hub centric rings because they center your wheels around your hubs. Aftermarket rims come with large center bores, which create empty space between your wheel hubs and your wheels. Wheel hub rings fill up these gaps to make your aftermarket wheels fit perfectly. They keep your wheels centered, which creates smoother rotation and prevents premature wear.
Enthuze hub rings are sold in sets of four and are made from high-quality ABS plastic. Plastic is a perfect material because it’s resistant to corrosion, so these sets are durable and reliable. If you have aftermarket wheels, these hub centric rings are a must –find a pair that fits your rims today.
Learn more: How To Choose the Right Size Hub-Centric Ring